About Us

Our History

Suspendisse justo sapien, molestie et faucibus at, ultrices eu lacus. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar eros auctor maximus. Vivamus non pharetra velit. Morbi non leo ante. Donec suscipit semper erat, consequat auctor nibh interdum ac. Integer faucibus arcu mauris, in efficitur lectus hendrerit quis. Nulla mi enim, luctus vel augue vel, sodales euismod enim. Nullam vestibulum et massa vulputate euismod. Etiam laoreet et elit ut gravida. Nullam tempus ac erat vitae euismod. Vestibulum mauris leo, ullamcorper ac tempor ut, commodo id nibh. Fusce posuere tempor enim, id dignissim eros mollis in. In sed lacus in tortor fringilla malesuada.

Meet Our Founders

Meet the founders of MSF, Mr. Himanshu Agrawal and Mr. Pantul Kothari, whose vision in 1988 sparked a legacy of empowerment and leadership. Their dedication created a platform where students cultivate skills and camaraderie, inspiring excellence for generations to come.

Mr. Himanshu Agrawal

Mr. Himanshu Agrawal

Founder & First President of
The Management Students' Forum

Chief Operating Officer,  Zydex Group Road Vertical

Mr. Pantul Kothari

Mr. Pantul Kothari

Founding Member The Management Students' Forum

Partner at Tiger Advertising


Our Vision

To be the leading student organization that inspires and equips MBA students to become transformative leaders and innovative thinkers in the global business landscape.


Our Mission

To cultivate a dynamic and inclusive community that empowers MBA students to excel academically, professionally, and personally through engagement, leadership development, and industry collaboration.


Our Objectives

To propagate sound knowledge of among the members and public at large. Management Principles to organize Symposia, Lectures, Debates, Quizzes ahd other activities related thereto, to disseminate knowledge of modern management methods and practices. To provide a Forum for exchange of experiences and ideas relating to the Management of Organizations. To undertake all such activities which shall help promote the growth and development of its members and the society.

Our Committees

MSF Team 2024

Create a team page on your Elementor website with a round style image with shadow box style. Experiment with colors and display name, designation and social profiles information.